Global Public Diplomacy Award to be presented on 1st February 2019 in Frankfurt
Further Information about the Gala
The Hague / Frankfurt am Main, January 8, 2019 – For the first time Diplomat Magazine and Diplomatic Council shall present the Global Public Diplomacy Award together at the festive Diplomatic Council Gala to be held on 1st February in Frankfurt, Germany. The award constitutes recognition of the efforts of heads of diplomatic missions and other dignitaries to promote strategic diplomatic engagement vis-à-vis state as well as non-state actors.
The Public Diplomacy Award will recognise both top diplomats and other members of the international community; in charge of the selection of the laureates are a group of members of the diplomatic corps and academia.
The award consists of state-of-the-art hand-made prism with the crafted name of the recipient. He or she becomes an honourable member of the Diplomatic Council. Diplomat Magazine and Diplomatic Council will promote the accolade on the international stage.
Diplomat Magazine ( is Europe’s leading diplomatic magazine. Diplomatic Council ( is a global think tank in consultative status with the United Nations.
The Global Public Diplomacy Award will be presented by H.E. Buddhi Athauda, Ambassador of Sri Lanka, Dr. Heinrich Kreft, Ambassador of Germany and Hang Nguyen, Secretary General Diplomatic Council.
Created in The Hague, presented to the world
The Public Diplomacy Award was created by Diplomat Magazine and first launched in the presence of ambassadors and noted international relations researchers on 24 June 2016 in The Hague, The Netherlands. The inaugural award was bestowed upon H.E. Gabriel Edgardo Aguilera, Ambassador of Guatemala, in a ceremony at the Carlton Ambassador Hotel located in The Hague. The Ambassador was commended for his extraordinary engagements with Dutch civil societies, and the instigation of successful foreign cultural programmes in the Netherlands. The award was presented jointly by Elizabeth Naumczyk of Diplomat Magazine; Olivier Ribbelink, Senior Researcher at the T.M.C. Asser Instituut and Associate Professor at Utrecht University, School of Law and Hilde Cadenau, LL.M, Programme Director of the International and European Law Bachelor Programme of The Hague University.
Starting in 2019 the award will be continued internationally in a joint effort of Diplomat Magazine and Diplomatic Council.
Dr. Mayelinne De Lara, Publisher of the Diplomat Magazine, says: “We are very happy to work closely with one of the world´s most reputable think tanks that enjoys consultative status with the United Nations and connects diplomacy and economy.”
Diplomatic Council Secretary General Hang Nguyen says: “We are proud to cooperate with one of the world’s fastest growing diplomatic magazines created and run by diplomats.”
Diplomat Magazine has been the very first diplomatic magazine in The Netherland´s history, launched by members of the diplomatic corps residing in The Hague in 2013. Since then, it has grown to cover the entire Benelux region and Germany. Nowadays is the fastest growing publication of its kind in the European Union and a top international diplomatic events organiser. Diplomat Magazine is now going global following a strategic collaboration with the Diplomatic Council and an agreement with Dow Jones that will see more than one and a half million people have direct access to its content and archives. Members of the Diplomatic Council are invited to join the events regularly organised by Diplomat Magazine.
Diplomatic Council is a unique organisation in consultative status with the United Nations combining a global think tank, a world-leading business network and a charitable foundation. It links diplomacy, business leaders, science’s leading minds and society’s front-runners on resolving mankind’s biggest challenges. Its members believes that a thriving economy bringing prosperity to mankind is one of the best guarantors of peace. Diplomatic Council members gain access to a global network of leaders from the highest levels of diplomacy, business and social change.
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